Online Confidence Building Classes by Manya Singh

(4 customer reviews)
Original price was: ₹9,999.00.Current price is: ₹2,499.00.

Miss India Manya Singh redefines beauty and teaches confidence building to help you achieve your dreams. She is proud of being an auto-rickshaw driver’s daughter and wants to inspire millions to stand up for themselves and accomplish their goals. She teaches beauty, pageantry and demystifies how to feel confident in your own skin.

Number of Lessons: 32
  1. My Journey
  2. The Whole Process: From Entering a Beauty Pageant till the Final Round
  3. Beauty with a Purpose
  4. Walking the Ramp
  5. Walking the Ramp – Part 2
  6. Pageant Walk
  7. How to Do Self-Introduction
  8. How to Handle Criticism
  9. Improving Your Communication Skills
  10. Develop Your Self-Esteem and Confidence
  11. Grooming
  12. Nutrition
  13. Vocabulary Building
  14. Perfecting the Accessories
  15. How to Cope with Stress
  16. How to Become the Highest Scorer in the Interview Round During the Pageant
  17. How to Make a Modeling Portfolio on a Limited Budget
  18. Perfection in Swimwear Round
  19. Posing for Camera (Photoshoot)
  20. Sitting Poses for the Camera (Photoshoot)
  21. Posing for the Camera (For Media and Events)
  22. Pageant Makeup
  23. Pageant Makeup Part 2
  24. Corporate – No Makeup Look
  25. How to Finish Your Makeup Look
  26. Perfect Your Body Language and Posture
  27. How to Be Fit Like a Beauty Queen
  28. Beauty is Health
  29. Footwear That Suits Best
  1. Priya Malhotra

    Manya Singh’s confidence-building course is a game-changer. Her practical tips and relatable experiences make it easy to apply the lessons in real life.

  2. Rohan Desai

    The course provides actionable strategies to boost self-confidence. Manya Singh’s approach is both inspiring and effective.

  3. Anjali Verma

    A must-attend for anyone looking to enhance their confidence. Manya’s insights are grounded in her personal journey, making the course truly impactful.

  4. Sandeep Rao

    This course by Manya Singh offers invaluable guidance on building inner confidence. Her teaching style is engaging and empowering.

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